WAEC Result Checker from waecdirect:
The West African Examinations Council (WAEC ) has released the WAEC Result for waec result checkers through waecdirect for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for private candidates 2018-First Series, remember WAEC now has 3 series, this one is the first series conducted around February and the results are out. If you want to check your WAEC Result for free see the instruction below, You can also check your WAEC Results for other years, 2017, 2016,, 2015 etc using the same instruction here. Only 17.13% candidates passed both English Language and Mathematics; 1,021 Candidates or 9.03% will have their results withheld for various cases of malpractice.
Steps to check your waec result
Step 1: visit waecdirect.org Step 2: Enter your WAEC Examination Numbers, 10-digit which should comprise of your 7-digit center number followed by your 3-digit candidate number; what you should do is enter your 7digit center number first and include your 3 digit candidate number at the back, you should have something like:1234567890 Step 3: Enter your examination year e.g. 2018 ( you can also choose it from the drop down button) Step 4: Select the type of examination Step 5: Using the scratch card given to you by waec, enter the serial number at the back of the card (don’t buy a new scratch card, use the one waec gave you) Step 6: Also enter the PIN (Personal Identification Number on the same cscratch card and click on submit and wait for your result to display Step 7: Make sure to print your result after checking because you may exhaust the number of times you can use the card given to you by WAEC
Other articles by Campusbiz Journal: WAEC Results / Federal Fire Service Recruitment / Nigerian Air Force Recruitment / Nigerian Navy Recruitment / Nigerian Army Recruitment Nigerian Police Recruitment / Nigerian Customs Recruitment / Civil Defence Recruitment / FIRS Recruitment / Slot Phones / ABC Transport / God Is Good Motors / List of All Universities in Nigeria / Private Universities in Nigeria / State Universities in Nigeria / Federal Universities in Nigeria / Top Universities in Nigeria / The best university in Nigeria / Slot Nigeria / WAEC Result Checker
WAEC Result / Waecdirect problems/challenges
How To Check My GCE Result
Solution: You can check your GCE result the same way you check your WAEC result, just remember that you have to change the month to Nov/Dec, follow the same steps highlighted above for checking WAEC result. On the examination, choose “School Candidate Result” instead of “Private Candidate Result”
How To Check My WAEC Result
Solution: Visit waecdirect.org and follow the above steps, the steps are 7 in number follow the steps carefully to check your waec result
How To Check Waec Result Without Using Scratch Card
Solutions: Visit waecdirect.org and follow the steps 1-7 in the main article above to check your result without using scratch card.
How To Check Waec Result Using Phone
Solution: If you’re using either MTN, Airtel, Glo, Send the following to 32327: WAEC*Your Exam No*Your PIN*Your Exam Year. Send it without any space. See example here: WAEC*1234567897*5*2018 SEND IT TO 32327, SMS cost is N30. You should get your result on your phone with this.
See also
Federal Fire Service Recruitment
Question and answer about WAEC result:
Has waec result come out?
Answer: Yes, WAEC results for 2018 (First Series) and previous years are out, see the instruction on how to check it in the main article above, 7 steps in all
How Can I Check My Waec Result?
Answer: Visit waecdirect.org and follow the above steps in main article above, the steps are 7 in number follow the steps carefully to check your waec result
How Do I Check My GCE Result?
Answer: You can check your GCE result just the same way you check your waec result
How Many People Pass WAEC This Year?
Answer: Only 17.13% candidates passed both English Language and Mathematics; 1,021 Candidates or 9.03% will have their results withheld for various cases of malpractice
How Much Is waec Result Checker Scratch Card?
Answer: WAEC says the price is N450, but some bookshops sell for as much as N700 or even higher; however, you can get it cheaper at any branch of Fountain Trust Bank Plc.
When Is waec Result Coming Out?
Answer: WAEC results for 2018 (First Series) and previous years are out, see the instruction on how to check it in the main article above, 7 steps in all
I want to upgrade my waec result
Don’t waste your money and time, there is nothing like upgrading of WAEC result, a lot people have been scammed and more are still being scammed for this single reason: trying to upgrade there waec result. Some people are promising others on the internet that they can help them upgrade their result, some are even thanking them for helping them upgrade their waec results; it’s all lies, they are only scheming to defraud people like you; the fact is waec is an international body (West African Examination Council) so how do they get to WAEC’s central server to change your result, impossible. NOBODY CAN HELP YOU UPGRADE YOUR RESULT, anybody that tells you to bring money for WAEC result upgrading is a scammer, report the person to the nearest police station and if you fail to do so, so stand the chance of being scammed, you have been warned.
I want to check my waec result online
To check your result online follow this steps: Step 1: visit waecdirect.org Step 2: Enter your WAEC Examination Numbers, 10-digit which should comprise of your 7-digit center number followed by your 3-digit candidate number; what you should do is enteryour 7digit center number first and include your 3 digit candidate number at the back, you should have something like:1234567890 Step 3: Enter your examination year e.g. 2018 ( you can also choose it from the drop down button) Step 4: Select the type of examination Step 5: Using the scratch card given to you by waec, enter the serial number at the back of the card (don’t buy a new scratch card, use the one waec gave you) Step 6: Also enter the PIN (Personal Identification Number on the same cscratch card and click on submit and wait for your result to display Step 7: Make sure to print your result after checking because you may exhaust the number of times you can use the card given to you by WAEC Please share and drop your comments below
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Funmilola Bolaji is a Researcher, Writer and a trained Educationist; she’s the editor of Campusbiz Journal. You may want to reach her via for Campusbiz Journal related inquiries only.
Pls my result was held since 2012 and I have checked it severally but I need it
Thank for your services
Gd day waec there is an issue I will like you to solve for me my eldest sister had her WAEC in 1989 yet to collect her certificate but she only remembered her centre number all effort to retrieve the certificate from her school proof abortive pls what can we do thanks
Please go to the WAEC office in your state, they will help you, they even have the Certificates of the 1970s so 1989 should not be a problem
how do i check junior waces result 2018
For information on how to check and upgrade your WAEC Result call my femi on
please i wand to check my weac result
When is WEAC 2018 2nd series I.e May/ June coming out?
I don’t see mine of 2018
Pls in waec script which says surename and other name what if one other name was not complete but was fully complete in space which says candidate full name .due to space should that be something to worry